Proud people focus on the failures of others.
Broken people are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need.
One day David and his wife, Meg, realized they wanted their family to see that the world is a more diverse place than what they were experiencing.
I couldn’t pray for revival in our children’s lives without feeling like it was an incomplete prayer—I needed spiritual renewal as well.
In the first two years of widowhood, God seemed distant and silent. Then I discovered the problem.
Real happiness comes when I’m willing to humble myself and do what He wills with my life.
Thanksgiving can be a difficult reminder of the struggles we face, but there is comfort in the promises to come.
If you want to experience marriage the way it was designed to be, you need a vital relationship with Jesus Christ.
Unconfessed sin is a knife blade lodged in the soul. You cannot escape the misery it creates.
These basic principles will help you and your family understand the biblical reasons for the tragedy.
Do you wonder why God seems so far away? It may be that your heart needs to be broken.
If we are totally focused on the material things of this life and this world, we will miss out on most of what life is all about.